Privacy is Power.

What makes GPT Privacy a standout choice for ensuring prompt data privacy?

GPT Privacy allow you to secure the prompt data you provide to Large Language Models (LLM’s) like Chat GPT effortlessly. Here’s a selection of the features included with our Chrome extension:

Real-time Anonymization

Effortlessly protect your privacy as you type. GPT Privacy swaps personal info with placeholders instantly.

Anonymization Rules

Customize your privacy. Decide exactly what gets anonymized, from names & addresses, to custom data, with simple rules.

Automatic or Manual

Your privacy, your choice. Use automatic protection or manual selection for targeted prompt anonymization.

Real-Time Prompt Anonymization

Our real-time feature ensures that your sensitive data is anonymized before the prompt is triggered, giving you immediate privacy. Switch between automatic and manual modes with a single click to fit your privacy needs at any moment.

Local Data Processing

For best data’s privacy, all anonymization processes happen locally on your device. With GPT Privacy, you have the power of privacy without the worry of data transmission over the internet.

User-Friendly Rules Customization

GPT Privacy is Anonymization Rules allows you to easily choose which details to secure – from names to addresses to company information. Our easy-to-define rules put you in control of your data privacy.

Chrome Extension Integration

GPT Privacy blends seamlessly into your Chrome browser, delivering a streamlined experience that doesn’t compromise on security. As a Chrome extension, it offers the convenience of one-click installation and the ease of managing your privacy settings directly within your browser interface.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is GPT Privacy and how does it protect my data?

GPT Privacy is a Chrome extension that enhances your data privacy by anonymizing sensitive information in real-time as you interact with GPT-based services. It automatically or manually replaces personal details in your prompts with placeholders, ensuring your personal information remains private.

2. How does the real-time anonymization work?

Real-time anonymization works by detecting sensitive information as you type and immediately substituting it with an anonymous or custom placeholders. This process occurs instantaneously, without any noticeable delay, safeguarding your data from the moment it’s entered.

3. Can I choose what information to anonymize?

Yes, GPT Privacy allows you to customize the anonymization rules. You can set the extension to automatically anonymize certain data types or manually select specific prompts you want to protect on a case-by-case basis.

4. Is my data processed or stored anywhere outside my local computer?

No, all data processing for anonymization occurs locally within your browser. Your data does not leave your device or get transmitted over the internet, ensuring maximum privacy and security.

5. How do I use GPT Privacy?

GPT Privacy is designed to integrate seamlessly with your Chrome browsing experience. It’s built with intuitive controls and clear visual feedback, making it accessible for users with any level of technical expertise.
For the automatic mode, you simply need to customize it once, and it will work seamlessly in the background for all your prompts.

6. How much does GPT Privacy cost?

GPT Privacy is free. It’s an easy to use chrome extension designed to help users keep their privacy and easily anonymize their prompts.

See what people say about us

Highly recommended!

I used to review my prompts and substitute sensitive data in the chat manually, but it was easy to make mistakes. I don’t have to worry anymore, thanks to GPT-Privacy.

Beth Hill

Product Designer

Easy to use!

As a small business owner, I use ChatGPT for all sorts of task. I needed my data to be private. I was able to set the rules in a few minutes. All my prompts are anonymized automatically.

Mary Jones

Small Business Owner

My data is private now!

Quick to setup, easy to use and above all, not hassle with worrying about my prompts privacy.

Highly recommend!

Bill Robertson

Sales Manager